Sunday, January 31, 2016

Tiger tattoos

Japanese tattoo tiger:

There is light tattoos

there is a light and it never goes out. I would do a black flame. It would symbolize the darkest spark of genius and creativity. I think it would also look great with the roses twisting around it and I'd choose a different color for them.

there is a light and it never goes out. I would do a black flame. It would symbolize the darkest spark of genius and creativity. I think it would also look great with the roses twisting around it and I'd choose a different color for them.:

Very nice and symble tattoos

Something simple but means so much. If I ever get a tattoo this would be it:

Sister tatoos

birds to represent two sisters | 26. Infinity Sign and Feather Tattoo:
Sisters share a bond that is unbreakable. Sister is more than a family – she is your best friend and a person you can always rely on. Tattoos are a great way of showing your sisters love to the world and to strengthen your relationship even more. Tattoos are even more special when they have actual m...

Elephant tattoo for girls

elephant watercolor tattoo by Russell Van Schaick: Latest 55 Elephant Tattoo Designs for Girls: 2015:

The strength of an elephant is legendary. Elephant tattoo designs for girls can give them a stronger look and bring out their powerful personality out.